Would you want to be a 'Christian?'
I need to define what I believe?
Is the word of God not enough?
Christianity just doesn't make sense anymore and it's a load of the diversities of doctrines from the mixed multitude:
Here's another of the many developing reasons I'm renouncing 'Christianity.' You're supposed to do all manner of things to please men and clarify 'theology' and many other alleged 'opinions' or perhaps even some kind of 'commentary' is required of me:
Belief of the gospel (whatever that might be) today is not enough. Belief on the Lord Jesus Christ is not enough. Belief of the two gospels that Paul preached might not even be enough now...Can anyone tell me what the truth is anymore?
So I'm going to talk about OTHER THINGS then. Don't ask me anything about the HOLY BIBLE anymore and JESUS and from henceforth let no man trouble me...
MY DEBATE with Standing For Truth means nothing to me:
Here's some examples of the CHRISTIAN CHAOS and CONFUSION today. There's just so many I cannot fit them into one post:
Paul preached TWO GOSPELS? OK Pastor David Reid:
Ryan the Presbyterian is not impressed with my SFT DEBATE. Well to be honest neither am I—I'm not a debater as you can see. I'll stand in my lot before the Judge and we shall see then who's who. For now I'm going back to NEWS and WEATHER: