Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Independent, Fundamental, Dispensational, Soul-Winning, Street-Preaching, King James Only Baptist Churches and Temples

*****KING JAMES ONLY******


(*****I was accused by the Federal Government of my RELIGION being weird.  I went to these churches after becoming such a Baptist in my early 30's...********)


Also Called Bible-Baptists and/or Bible-Believers


From Oliver B, Greene, Harold Sightler, Jack Hyles, Jack Wood, Danny Farley, Steve Sturgeon, James W. Knox, Keith Gomez, Sam Davison, S.M. Davis, Peter Ruckman, Keith Gomez, Charles Lawson, and many others I won't name here who are either known as 'pastors' or 'evangelists' in this Baptist movement across the USA...

These are a unique blend who have very often split off into other churches keeping the similar names of either some 'blank Baptist Church, blank Baptist Temple, or blank Bible Baptist Church.' These groups usually hold to the traditions of men involving their altar in the church, (maybe even a 'mourner's bench'), 'getting right with God' doctrine, preaching salvation by grace and being 'born again' through the excessive use of JACK CHICK TRACTS, water baptism by immersion after being saved, and all manner of politician style-preachers who even go on 'deputation' and travel abroad to be voted in as another pastor or supported as a so-called 'missionary.' There's more of course because many of these people are in constant disagreement by now.  You would think by now that we'd all be perfected for the work of the ministry and well edified by now as the body of Christ in unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,...

unto a perfect
man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness
of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to
and fro, and carried about with every wind of
doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning
craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into
him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together
and compacted by that which every joint supplieth,
according to the effectual working in the measure of
every part, maketh increase of the body unto the
edifying of itself in love.

As you can see I'm recalling to memory what is written in EPHESIANS CHAPTER 4.  But why is this not happening with KJV ONLY BIBLE-BELIEVING EXPERTS after all these years?  I think it might be many of these people are former Roman Catholics and the seeds of Romanish Popish Catechisms and Catholic Doctrine are often germinating again and corrupting their fruit (through pride and haughtiness) or otherwise this is just another off-shoot of Protestants that didn't want to be referred to as such but of some kind of 'Independent body politic' that stemmed from what is also known as an Anabaptist Heritage.  Very often the pastor of these 'churches' is like a pope and is infallible in his doctrine, traditions, and mannerisms.  It has had a long list of skeletons in its closet that are not well known unless you managed (as I did) to get in deeper and fellowship with those in their own club.  

And so here we are taking a look at RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH and DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY or any name you want to attach to it.  I'll even go so far as to say 'RUCKMANITES' and their allegiance to Peter Ruckman having men's persons in admiration because of advantage:

Try to study with them and you can go all over the place often getting nowhere and realizing that they do not all agree as they should.  But they claim that's OK because we're all not perfect and we're just human.  So they excuse themselves but loudly crow how sound doctrine they are in the HOLY BIBLE KJV.  You can even learn that the 'God of forces' in DANIEL is actually Lucifer (by Charles Lawson):

Even most of you RUCKMANITES never even listened to what Brother Peter Ruckman had to say.  You were too busy shouting "Preeeeeeeeeeech!" or "Amen!" or shouting and carrying on some other way rather than PAYING ATTENTION AND LEARNING SOMETHING!  You were wallowing in your own apostasy while feasting on Ruckman's teaching not learning anything at all.  What a disgrace!

And now we have a NEW BREED OF RUCKMANITES and JACK CHICK TRACT MANIACS who really might not even be saved and shouldn't be teaching the HOLY BIBLE KJV to anyone other than themselves because they are either hireling preachers or a bunch of babes sucking on milk and are pastors of churches.  WHAT A DISGRACE to PURE GRACE AND TRUTH!
