Thursday, October 10, 2019



Who will take over for Pastor Charles Lawson?

Maybe Vaughn Hickman?

It doesn't matter anymore whether a person has a salvation testimony in line with the word of God because the traditions of men tell us several things. Even handing out gospel tracts (like 'Jack Chick Tracts') that have a simple prayer in the back flap tell us what we need to do to get saved.  But are these ways the proper ways to be saved after all? Is a SIMPLE SINNERS PRAYER THE ANSWER or the JACK CHICK 4 STEP WAY TO HEAVEN AS SHOWN HERE?

Then we find out that it's a bit more complicated than that later on and repentance and faith need to go together and perhaps even though we believed on Jesus we really need to come to the altar to get right with God or we need to do this or that just right according to church tradition to get saved.

So what must I do to get saved?  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?  Or lose everything and find Christ and then follow him?  Why not sell all that you have, give to the poor, and follow Christ then?  I don't see anyone doing that.  I don't think anyone agrees on how to be saved anymore but they justify their 'Sinner's Prayer' at the end of a CHICK TRACT or whatever other tract they have.  They also keep their altar calls going as if we have an altar today to offer sacrifices to God.  I don't hear of an altar today; do you?

So what must I do to be saved then?  Get saved and you'll find out that the brethren will do whatever possible to damn you back to hell and even tell you you're not a Christian unless you really are a disciple for the Lord since the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.  This implies that only those who forsake all and follow Christ can be his disciple but I don't see anyone forsaking all and following Christ.  They are always starting new ministries and NON-PROFITS and accepting money for they claim the workman is worthy of his hire (or money).

And is this young man really preaching the gospel of Christ and rightly dividing the word of truth?  Or is he a bit misunderstood how Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom to the Jews and Paul preached the gospel of the grace of God to us Gentiles?  Can anyone tell us the truth anymore in regards to the true unfeigned gospel of Christ?  I don't think they can.  They all have a different answer and are not consistent in their message: