What saith Ruckman or your pastor?
Are you a FUNDAMENTAL INDEPENDENT KING JAMES ONLY KNOW IT ALL BAPTIST? Well that's wonderful; you can come to Macedonia and help us. Let's see how many of you actually respond in kind and care:
Some say the BOOK OF REVELATION in the HOLY BIBLE has already been fulfilled. What are we waiting for? What have the PASTORS taught their sheep as they watch their souls all these years? Have we all been deceived by false doctrine even by those who profess to believe and know the truth?
Be careful if you think I am ministering questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith. I only seek to be a good Berean to search the scriptures diligently to see whether these things are so. Shall we take a look? Are there any Christians that study and know the doctrine of Christ in truth?
CLICK THIS LINK AND STUDY (unless you just don't have the time--the Lord understands how busy you are...):
Oh guess what? The pastors will say with the Apostle Paul:
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence
-I TIMOTHY 2.11-12
So then, if you are a man and you are one who knows and are skillful in the word and doctrine and are apt to teach--then please DO A VIDEO AND TEACH US THE WORD OF GOD MORE PERFECTLY! I charge you to do it so we can be edified, admonished, and built up in the faith so that we are not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Thank you so much, I know there will be many good men to come to the task at hand. I have faith in the men of God today.
(I can also be of assistance to you and provide a LIVE INTERVIEW and EXHAUSTIVE STUDY on this subject. If you would like to do a study along with an interview please contact me in a COMMENT below and let me know.)