Chicago Police Superintendent
He is NOT the Chief of Police
(Sounds like he's a school official)
Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson is passionate about Chicago and he bragged about the progress he and Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago are making together and how crime is down with murders and shootings and he doesn't want anything to disrupt that UNLESS THAT IS SOMETHING THAT IS EARNED?
"...I don't want anything to disrupt that unless it is um something that is um something that's earned."
-Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson
Say what?
So what about R. Kelly: Maybe R. Kelly can disrupt that crime statistics now? Maybe he's earned it?
Are we waiting for someone who earns the right to start more murders and shootings in Chicago?
This is very strange folks!
Now keep an eye on the R. Kelly case:
Watch the whole interview of Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson with Don Lemon of CNN: