Tuesday, February 5, 2019

CURRENT EVENTS and THE HOLY BIBLE: Which is more up to date?



Which is more necessary?

Then why are Christians in a famine today?

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
-AMOS 8.11

I'm noticing there's a famine in the land today.  I hope others are noticing it and will actually do something about it especially if they claim to be "Christians" or "in Christ Jesus" or "believers on the Lord Jesus Christ."  But then we have such a wide array and mixed multitude of "Christians" today with an almost innumerable number of sects and denominations making it very difficult to find out what people actually believe.  

I counted over 150 different English Holy Bible versions and not all of them are called Holy Bible anymore but rather "Study Bibles" or "Life Application Bibles" or some other sort of catchy Christian attractive style of bible for today's modern Christian.  If you stood up to read these bibles all together in the church at one time you would hear nothing but a discordant sound of noise.  So how can anyone read anymore with any understanding?  Is that a good question?  Perhaps you need to ponder the answer for yourself?

In any case, it seems that there is famine in the land today as I just don't hear the word of God much even from God's President Donald Trump who was prophesied by Prophet Kim Clement in 2007 to be elected as President of the United States in 2016.  This "Trumpet" in the White House was supposed to be speaking the word of God by now and so fill of the Holy Spirit but I never hear scripture come forth out of his mouth.  Do you?

So where are we now in America and the world in regards to the words of God? Well I notice that pastors spend more time with their talking points rather than even quoting and reading the HOLY BIBLE in the church pulpits today.  It seems the verse above in Amos 8.11 seems to describe even our current situation at hand.