This is my personal arrangement to provide a useful format for discussing and disseminating breaking news and information.
Opinions posted here are not necessarily my own. If you are offended by wide open discussions of news, life, politics and religious things, and God's word, kindly get out of here NOW.
At times sources quoted here are suspect at best. I try to make sure they are correct, but I do err at times. Comments by readers are theirs alone, I may or may not approve of their opinions.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Are you celebrating 9-11 today?
I don't think the word CELEBRATION defines the day:
People are talking about BUILDING 7 and THE ENTIRE 9-11 EVENT along with the QUESTIONS THAT SURROUND ALL THE EVENTS of THAT DAY. If this is too CONSPIRATORIAL for you then you should go listen to NPR and take in some of Hillary Clinton's speeches. You can drown yourself into destruction and perdition and shift into your hypothetical, theoretical, synthetic reality complete with the new world brainwashing: