Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ted Cruz has won Wisconsin


*****Donald Trump heads for DEFEAT now***** 

Ted Cruz is bragging now about his THRILL OF VICTORY...

...but THE AGONY OF DEFEAT now lies ahead for the GOP and the entire nation:

Wisconsin thinks they have been victorious by defeating Donald Trump.  But now THE AGONY OF DEFEAT lies ahead for the entire nation.  Pick your state wisely to abide in as there is trouble ahead unlike ever before:

The GOP has paved the way for Hillary Clinton:

...and you can bet they planned it that way:

The enemies of America are rejoicing for a season.  They will be very unhappy in a few years to come.  

This nation is finished as the enemies of America have taken over.  The majority of Americans are just nominal and many of them are enemies of America.

Preacher Ted Cruz as we know was called by God anyway to lead America through the next 4 years of more broken promises as usual.  One of these days maybe we will hear Cruz say, "...and I'm a Mormon."

"God bless the great State of Wisconsin..."
-Ted Cruz  

Ted Cruz has been chose by God through Mormon prophecy.  You cannot fight against Ted Cruz:

Is there any hope for Donald Trump?  Probably not...