Saturday, April 16, 2016

Numismatic King in Tehran Iran and PRECIOUS METALS

Meet Numismatic King:

More videos to come...

Here's a man that is rising in the PRECIOUS METALS INVESTMENT COMMUNITY.  He is gaining a YOU TUBE presence and will be discussing various aspects of GOLD and SILVER investing, collecting, and trading.  You will want to stay tuned as GOLD and SILVER are very prevalent in the Arab and Persian countries of the world and these metals are planned to have a major impact now in the world markets:

Numismatic King comes from a notable family and will be presenting some useful information that is invaluable to anyone interested in finding out more about GOLD and SILVER:

Many Americans are very clueless on GOLD and SILVER and what the metals are all about.  Various patriots and truthers in America are simply capitalists who chase the U.S. DOLLAR profits through capitalism and have no idea what the rest of the world is really doing with GOLD and SILVER.  The rest of the world is becoming rich while the majority of Americans and other Westerners are losing their financial solvency and savings:

Here's an example of the misinformation of the West:
