Saturday, January 9, 2016

We the People are under attack by the enemies of America

Wake up America there's work to do!

Both foreign and domestic enemies are assaulting We the People


For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
--LUKE 8.17 

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known
--LUKE 12.2

There is a direct and growing threat with this killer religion of Islam:

This rising GUN CONTROL MOVEMENT which is a direct threat to the rights of We the People to keep and bear arms is demonstrating that we actually have enemies of America that are Americans.  Sounds crazy right?  Well the criminal on the street is not the only criminal in America, but it goes farther than that as various oath of office violators have been inhabiting their positions of authority all the while while misrepresenting We the People in very unconstitutional and threatening practices.  Read on:

Recently some are awakening as these matters of controversy have been revealing a very threatening FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and related government agencies against We the People coupled with criminal violence across America and this new and growing threat from this killer religion of Islam, Americans are beginning to make known these deep seeded problems that have sadly grown unnoticed for too long a time.

We have now very real and present threat of this anti American agenda s being manufactured to make America believe that We the People should lay down our rights at the direction of these enemies of America while convincing us it is to keep us all safer ("for your protection") and to make the world safe for this so called democracy.

Over the last several years now select criminal incidents involving guns are being broadcast by news media such as this recent police attack on a Philadelphia police officer and the U.S. Constitutional controversy with ranchers in Harney County Oregon.  Each time these are broadcast we are learning more that we have a runaway FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that wants the final authority in our lives our liberties and whatever pursuit of happiness we seek to fulfill.   This is a growing concern that these enemies of America (through ignorance or perhaps ill intent) are using these incidents to construct chaos and confusion across our land which completely distorts the foundations of the United States of America and threatens decent and proper U.S. Constitutional rights.

We the People are being taught to feel guilty for criminal gun violence by many government officials in our Federal, State, and Local government agencies each time some shooting or other Constitutional controversy hits the news headlines.   Even our own president has been given a mainstream media platform to devour the rights of We the People through construction of unconstitutional executive actions and statements telling Americas that we have a disease that he calls a GUN EPIDEMIC.  As a result man Americans who have been living decent lives (and who indeed are Americans) are now being categorized as POTENTIAL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, placed on NO FLY LISTS, mentally restricted through questionable diagnosis,  described as radial fundamental separatist extremist Christians or some other stereotype for just owning guns.   A growing number of Americans have been and continue to be suffering at times incredible losses as a result of this unwanted and completely unnecessary disciplinary action and suspicious treatment.

Recently however there has been new movement of We the People across the United States of America who have been taking action against these enemies of America and their threats against basic and forthright Constitutional rights.  We the People are becoming increasingly concerned of the threats that are coming directly from our elected officials and other public servants.  These enemies of America (through ignorance or perhaps ill intent) have created much of this conflict and some say they are doing so to destroy America.

So where do We the People go from here?

First:  You need to be aware of what is really going on: 

WATCH THE VIDEOS below and learn some things.  There's hope for America but only for the people that want hope.  If you sit back and are content with being destroyed than just ignore this at your own peril.

This year 2016 is seeing events accelerating and coming together both here in America and the entire world.  And for some of us a great door and effectual is open unto us; and with that there are of course many adversaries: 

Know who We the People really are:

We the People are rising up and are being noticed even at times on mainstream media.  You need to be able to discern between the evil and the good.

In light of the recent events with the Oregon Rancher Standoff with Citizens for Constitutional Freedom and with this new Islamic attack on a police officer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Americans need to know the story behind the story and the truth in the news.  

We also need some measure of discernment between who THE ENEMIES OF AMERICA are and who We the People really are and remove these enemies of America who are the real and present threats to the United States of America.

We all need to know who's who in all these official capacities such as sheriffs, mayors, police chiefs, police commissioners, police officers, military officials, and every other government and representative officials and EXPOSE THE OATH OF OFFICE VIOLATORS and ENEMIES OF AMERICA:  

The Islamic Jihad on a Philadelphia, Police Officer really did happen:

The MAYOR of GUN FREE Philadelphia is an ENEMY OF AMERICA: 


Germany is under attack by Radical Islam:

This is on its way to America and is already here:



We are also watching THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT controversy in Harney County Oregon: 
