FULL STORY as to what is really going on in Harney County Oregon regarding the Hammond Ranch:
FULL STORY as to what is really going on in Harney County Oregon regarding the Hammond Ranch:
Dave Acton has been monitoring this situation and checking in also:
Is this all about a NATIONAL MONUMENT?
*****MORE DANGER between We the People and The Enemies of America*****
The Oregon Citizens for Constitutional Freedom
This is becoming increasingly serious and yet hopeful
Donald Trump needs to visit this region and talk to these men to prepare himself for a new American style of presidency:
The United States of America is currently in a nationwide Constitutional stand off against unconstitutional practices. We the People are now up against the enemies of America who have abrogated the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. This Constitutional crisis has been brought to light through the honest attempts at Constitutional awareness and now this has turned into a NATIONWIDE STAND OFF between We the People and the Enemies of America both foreign and domestic. It's really what it is and it is only the beginning. It may be the best thing that has happened to America in years and the Federal Government along with the Obama Administration and other criminal agencies are raving mad at We the People and know a real revolution may result if the wrong things begin to happen:
Pete Santilli is on the scene in Burns, Oregon and at the Malhaur Wildlife Refuge staging area reporting his findings:
At the Harney County, Oregon STAND OFF
Pete Santilli is on the scene in Burns, Oregon and at the Malhaur Wildlife Refuge staging area reporting his findings:
Watch mainstream media show host and enemy of America Megyn Kelly try to make a fool out of Ammon Bundy on national television while she sits there in awe of the truth:
At The White House:
Today at The White House President Obama revealed his rank disregard for America, The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and We the People all under a false pretense and lawless agenda trying to impart a guilt trip upon We the People for others who have chosen to commit criminal acts of violence and murder. Some have revealed some startling truth in regard to Obama's GUN CONTROL and have indicated that Obama may be committing treason: