Monday, January 4, 2016

President Obama announces GUN CONTROL by EXECUTIVE ORDER

The ENEMIES OF AMERICA are attacking We the People

The enemies of America (both foreign and domestic) don't want Americans to have their right to keep and bear arms.  They want both national and global infringements.  Will Donald Trump beat down and run off these enemies of America.  If he does I will vote for him:

White House says Pres. Obama to deliver remarks tomorrow on gun control at 11:40a ET 

The New World Mainstream Media wants to portray America as a runaway gun culture with some sort of GUN EPIDEMIC or mental disorder: 


*****President Obama takes charge against GUNS*****

Congress has to act

President Obama plans EXECUTIVE ORDERS

Also CNN will host Obama LIVE on Thursday for all America to comply to his commands on GUN LEGISLATION:

It's time to make a difference

America has a GUN EPIDEMIC