Monday, January 4, 2016

Politics and Energy with T. Boone Pickens

T. Boone Pickens talks with Steve Forbes

It's time to get some fresh input here on The News UNIT apart from the wacko conspiracy theorists and those who want to cause conflict with the U.S. CONSTITUTION; and we need to get back to America being America again.  There's one problem however as we are watching a nation very divided on all the current trends and it seems like a race to destruction is in progress:

The mood is that the American people want a real change in leadership and these older style leaders are concerned where America is headed.

Pickens is concerned how candidates for president are being picked in America: 


Watch Carl Icahn and T. Boone Pickens

Remember Carl Icahn likes Donald Trump and if Trump makes it to U.S. President then Icahn would highly likely have some sort of cabinet position:
