Friday, January 8, 2016

Obama gets a LIVE PROGRAM on CNN called "Guns in America"

President Obama gets a full CNN SHOW

Guns in America

The media is doing exactly what President Obama ordered them to do:

The enemies of America are gathered together to disarm We the People:

REMEMBER Obama hands out guns to the enemies of America (Mexican drug cartels, ISIS, etc...):

Meanwhile up in Oregon...


Meanwhile at the Trump rally things are beginning to change and not for the better:

It's time to cut the nonsense and VOTE FOR Donald Trump who is a real American.  Has anyone noticed how real Americans are being attacked today?

Wait a minute!  Trump is kicking out peaceful protesters and taking their coats in cold weather?  Is Trump a thief?  Perhaps Trump is beginning to come off the rails now...?...

Trump was kicking out peaceful protesters and telling security to take their coats from them.  Is Trump a thief and a thug himself?  What is going on here?
