Thursday, September 3, 2015

China's Economy and the New Chinese Sexual Revolution

There's more going on with China we are not aware of...

Remember, PORNOGRAPHY and PROSTITUTION is a multi-$100 BILLION INDUSTRY already here in the U.S.A.  Worldwide that number is growing greater and greater. The women today are more and more beautiful and sexy on the outside but as more and more of them turn to whoredom they turn men into pieces of bread and are themselves a deep ditch.  The entire world is now set on course of hell.  And yes there really is a burning hell with fire!

Some say the recent news coming out of China with their fleet of military vessels roaming around near Alaska and also the alleged economic breakdown is all a distraction by the news media to keep the truth out of the news.  As you have heard recently there is no truth in the news and no news in the truth:
