Monday, September 21, 2015

Wolves and Coyotes are coming back and it's making almost everyone very happy

Gray Wolves are returning to California:

Coyotes are threatening pets now in Wisconsin.  There is also a growing wolf population in Wisconsin and very few deer left as these predators seek food sources:

Coyotes are attacking dogs in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin a suburb of Milwaukee:

So what's the point of all of this?

Animal rights activists and those who worship and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever are going to have their way now giving animals their rights.  Even though God gave us dominion over these beasts there is for some reason a new and unusual sort of careful attention given to the rights of these animals.  They are even carefully removed from their position by various government wildlife divisions such as The Department of Natural Resources or the Fish and Game Commission and other government wildlife management agencies.  Gaia the Mother Earth Goddess and New World Religion will really create some chaos now.  Just wait until these animals start to populate to the point where they start eating human babies and small children who are playing in their back yard.  When someone watches their child in the teeth of a coyote or wolf or bear being hauled away to be eaten I suppose we will be told again how to prevent these attacks by rolling up into a ball, playing dead, or shaking pop cans full of metal washers along with carrying sticks.  

God forbid you carry a gun!  You have to give these animals a chance.  After all man is the greatest predator and he's just getting a return of karma now from what he's done to Mother Earth--right?
