Thursday, July 9, 2015

China wants control over GOLD MARKET and PRICE FIXING

China has plans for a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY

China reportedly has loads of GOLD

Some say China will now use gold as an insurance policy to restart its economy after a massive stock market meltdown.  Since they own loads of gold they will do something to either raise the price of gold substantially to jump start their economy or back the YUAN currency with gold.  Either way the value of China is expected to go higher by means of their store of value in GOLD.  

China has been reportedly hoarding gold for a long time and now plans to use it to rise out of their recent financial crisis with a GOLDEN RULE over the nations.  If there is any resistance from the West in regards to this there may be some serious repercussions with their allies in the BRICS nations.

China doesn't care about PAPER GOLD since they have PHYSICAL GOLD.  Something is about to change folks--and very soon indeed.  The lawless manipulations of New York, and London may finally be called out.
