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Monday, July 27, 2015
Missing teens and 19 foot boat with one motor capsized in Atlantic
Coast Guard searched over 26,000 square nautical miles
People's view on a 19 foot boat in 20 to 30 and higher swells that exist 67 miles off the Florida coast is obvious to any boater with even minimum experience. A boat like that is a NEAR SHORE MARINE VESSEL at best within 5 miles of shore and probably that's even stretching things being that this is an ocean.
The people in that community act like they are experience boaters. They're not! They gave themselves away in the interviews that they are careless and have poor equipment that should not venture off too far from shore. Anything out that far that is without a secondary motor (a kicker motor) and without a radio, GPS, proper compass, and such a small capacity of fuel is looking for trouble. Sad to say that this alleged 'boating community' with 19 foot boats needs to stay near shore and during calm weather conditions. The ocean is not a body of water that is user friendly--ever: