Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The shooting death of Nehemiah Fischer by Oklahoma State Troopers


They only showed a PORTION OF THE VIDEO

There's more to this story that may never be told...

I can't imagine what it would be to have to deal with killing a man.  Even in a conflict such as this as a police officer in the line of duty would I kill a man for shoving me as such?  The answer is no.  It would take much more than that to make me feel if my life was threatened.  I'm beginning to wonder if men can handle themselves in conflict anymore without resorting to the use of a firearm especially with the police.  We have a definite problem here in America and it is growing and spreading rapidly across the land.  Perhaps it has only been brought to light recently through video evidence but it certainly needs to be addressed before we have more useless killings across America:
