Here comes more GOLD and SILVER related discussion
I don't know if these are old uploads but the usual channels are pumping heavy again
The discussion of GOLD and SILVER almost cannot be avoided today but I don't know what's going on entirely with this resurgence and fetish of GOLD and SILVER again as these advocates claim they want SOUND MONEY and money backed by gold and silver. Utah is into this but the only thing that bothers me is many of these men are delicate and effeminate in their style which is entirely a creepy thing. Many Mormons are also into GOLD and SILVER on a very large scale and perhaps there's some battle between them and the FEDs which could be possible.
I'm beginning to wonder if the gays and lesbian community is into silver and gold also? Wouldn't that be something if this all gets going again and gays, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals promote the metals? There's something going on again and I just don't know what these people are really doing: