Thursday, May 7, 2015

Why I ended The News UNIT?

It's time to come to an end of this:

Hey, I don't get paid for this anyway!

Why did I ever start The News UNIT?

Well, the time has come for The News UNIT to come to an end.  Sure I'll keep it going a little bit, but for the most part I'm ending this place because it's just not worth my time anymore.  I don't think I've accomplished anything other than a deep study of current events for myself which has made me more aware of what's going on sure, but in reality it hasn't done me much good in other ways.

So without going into details I'm simply tired of this.  I've made it a job that doesn't pay and a task that has taken time out of my life distracting me from more useful things.  How utterly amazing is all this education and entertainment!

So it's time to say goodbye for now:

I don't care what blows up, or crashes, goes up, down, sideways, or anything else for that matter.  I want to get back into the word of God and enjoy that peace with God and my Saviour Jesus Christ.  For some reason the distractions of this present evil world are beginning to annoy me and it's time to go.