Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why I started The News UNIT Blogspot

It all started early Wednesday March 16, 2011 when the nuclear fallout from Japan started hitting the news.  A friend of mine arrived in Los Angeles, California on March 11th and he was asking me on the phone the typical "what's going on?" type of questions after the earthquake hit Japan.  I told him to get a rental car and be ready to escape from a "tidal wave" (I like "tidal wave" instead of tsunami) and to go to GNC and get some KELP TABLETS.  

So basically I'm the guy people call when stuff goes on and I'm supposed to know everything and that's how this blogspot got started. So as my phone was ringing off the hook again here (I must be the NEWS HOTLINE) with even friends locally and all over asking me all about what's happening, I was compiling stories and information and finally launched this blog on Wednesday. I figured it was a way for them and perhaps others to log onto the internet and read some reports and now here it is.

I'm actually a storm chaser and many of you have seen my videos but don't realize it since my videos have appeared on many networks including The Weather Channel, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS.  I have also been live on The Weather Channel reporting floods, live tornado intercepts, and related severe weather events.  I mention this because I'm really not into "the news" so much as I am into forecasting weather and the resulting videography and reporting.  And I have to say I'm pretty good at it actually and would like to get better. 

(Even when I'm out storm chasing my friends all call me and ask me  "what's going on?" when they just saw me on T.V.  People are funny!)

It is because of the JAPAN earthquake and nuclear fallout that I started this blog.  I don't know for sure where this will go but if the Lord wills I plan to continue to develop this site and others.  The layout here is obviously rather basic but I like things to be clear, concise and to the point.  All the fluff and entertainment to me is just a waste of time.  I like to get down to business!

So, I'm trying to provide those who choose to visit here sort of a springboard and have listed LINKS that take you to what I consider to be good sources.  It's probably obvious I'm not interested in sports :-) and my main interest again is weather.  

This is also a one man show at the moment and all of the sudden I'm getting hooked on the news.  But severe weather season is rapidly approaching so that will be rather interesting once I get YOU TUBE figured out and I hope to improve The Weather UNIT Blogspot and websites also. 

I have and am involved in lots of things and have a rather professional background in aviation and weather however our government has managed to ruin that for me. (that true story is for another time)  This has caused me to look at things in our country as they are now.  And things are not getting better both with the people and with our government.  As a Christian who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ as God manifest in the flesh, I don't expect to save the U.S.A. or expect things will get better.  But it is my prayer and desire to live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty while I wait for the blessed hope of my Saviour returning as he had said he would.  

I don't believe Harold Camping's prediction of (what is it?) May 21st, nor do I believe in the Myan prophecies, or any other such superstitions.  I believe and have faith in my God and Saviour Jesus Christ and in his word:  The Holy Bible (Authorized Version KJV).  

Enough about me here let's get back to The News UNIT.  If this takes off (and it just might :-))  you will remember its beginning.