Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"dutchsinse" on YOU TUBE is pumping misinformation

 I can't stand misinformation and I was blocked from "dutchsinse" on YOU TUBE for telling him about his alleged HAARP RINGS.  We have all sorts of people out there who are dishing out misinformation and I will not be posting his videos anymore regardless of how big an earthquake hits or how large a volcano erupts.  People who take a crisis like JAPAN and try to profit from it acting like they are exposing our "criminal government" are just like the government they claim to expose:

FOR THE RECORD:  HAARP is real and they are likely messing with the weather and inducing seismic and volcanic activity.  But there are many people today that are stirring up misinformation.  Get real!

See my post on HAARP RINGS at http://www.theweatherunit.blogspot.com