Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ted Cruz now diligently working on the SPACE PROGRAM

Ted Cruz writes to his constituents in Texas about SPACE EXPLORATION...



This week I am pleased to announce that I will chair the Senate Commerce Subcommitt
ee on Science, Space, and Competitiveness.

Texas has a long and cherished history when it comes to space exploration and my top priority as Chairman will be to help refocus NASA on its core priority of exploring space.

We need to get back to the hard sciences, to manned space exploration, and to the innovation that has been integral to the mission of NASA.

Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.

All the best,
Ted Cruz

A RESPONSE LETTER to Senator Ted Cruz


Yes, science is important, but right now, Obamacare is crippling this country. It’s complex, expensive, and in our case totally USELESS. I appreciate your opinions and concerns about the space program, BUT! how about making our everyday lives easier FIRST?

Like the EPAs recent stance on burning wood – I hear that the Central Boiler company will be discontinuing its business of making outside furnaces because of upcoming EPA regulation
s. How about getting those morons in the EPA under control before we worry about going to the moon again?

I guess Obama and the EPA don’t care if little kids freeze to death, or if companies are forced out of business by stupid and useless regulation
? I hope you care Ted, enough to actually do something that helps REAL people.

I could go on and on, but I think you get what I’m trying to tell you.


Anonymous American in Texas