Saturday, January 10, 2015


There is no HONEST MONEY nor are there HONEST MARKETS...

David Morgan along will Alistair MacLeod, and Bill Murphy appear here on SD METALS & MARKETS with Eric Dubin and discuss their interests in the METALS and MARKETS.  Some interesting discussion here and good reason to avoid the METALS and MINING INVESTMENTS in times to come.  The truth is these markets are completely rigged and you're better off investing with licensed fund managers and investment advisers.

It's really sad how the Ron Paul advocates and these adherents to the U.S CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS have turned into such doom and gloom maniacs as they have been masquerading as American patriots, Libertarians, and lovers of freedom and democracy.

If you can't beat J.P. Morgan and other financial institution who are in collusion with Wall Street and the world banking cartel, you might just learn how to join them.  And remember MONEY IS POWER: