Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Alex Jones and INFOWARS followers deemed anti-government extremists

Alex Jones and INFOWARS followers beware

The shadowy sub-culture is being investigated


The radio talk show host Alex Jones of INFOWARS and PRISON PLANET T.V. is now under close scrutiny after a string of shootings and terrorist-like attacks have caused concern in our nation.   Alex Jones is part of a group of Americans who exhibit anti-government and radical and extremist points of view including but not limited to concerns of The Federal Reserve Bank, The New World Order, along with and aggressive posture to uphold The U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights.  Also this shadowy sub-culture of extremists and activists often exhibit a desire to start a revolution by resistance as they oftentimes have excessive gun fetishes and exhibit obsessive compulsive type of behavior manifesting their oppositions to government by confronting law enforcement officials during various demonstrations and movements.  It is becoming more apparent that these extremists may be a rising threat to our national security here in America and the ongoing war on terror as they seek to ignite some sort of patriot revolution.

Investigators are studying this shadowy sub-culture  

The News UNIT is watching the situation very closely and will be listening for later statements and possible warnings from OFFICIAL SOURCES.  

Alex Jones is all worked up about this on his recent INFOWARS SEGMENTS below.  Could it be that this group of alleged patriots and truthers  are nothing but troublemakers who want to create conflict here in America by what they call "taking back the Republic" amongst other strange behavior? 

