Tuesday, September 3, 2013

David Morgan doesn't see the need for a GOLD or SILVER position

Most of the GOLD and SILVER advocates don't even listen closely to their own analysts (or ANAL-YSTS)  talk in circles but if you listen closely to this interview it is nothing other than a complete CLOWN SHOW.  It is utterly ridiculous and completely incongruent to any sensible economic discussion.   

Also it makes no difference whether Syria is bombed or not since either way this conflict goes it will not have a direct influence on the price of GOLD and SILVER.  GOLD and SILVER is a complete distraction from any reasonably accurate market analysis since everything is OUT OF PHASE and completely controlled by HFT ALGORITHMS.

I mean look at this guy--really!  These are some of the most ridiculous people on the planet when it comes to economic news.  I shall post this for a GOOD LAUGH more than anything else:

Remember that David Morgan is called "The Silver Guru."  Here's some good advice about these financial analysts:

Here's an example of a well done report on GOLD and SILVER that can lure people into believing they are telling the truth when in fact all they are doing is making merchandise of their targets.  Notice how The Street is in league with bullion dealers and their related colleagues: