Wednesday, September 25, 2013

ELF and Mind Control Studies with Dr. John Hall

Electromagnetic War on The Mind

Many Americans are not paying any attention to ANYTHING that matters because their CONSCIENCE IS SEARED.  Perhaps they are under ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) modulations?  It's entirely possible.  

The shooter Aaron Alexis had the words "MY ELF WEAPON" carved in his weapon which was now known to be a Remington 870 12 GUAGE SHOTGUN.

Watch the video about this ELF and how it's being used.  There are actually devices being sold where people can interfere with others brains.  And now we even have THE MENTAL HEALTH INDUSTRY which has been given FREE COURSE to create HIGH TECH APPS for active MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENTS:

Truthstream Media is doing a good job now too with Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton:
