Saturday, April 13, 2013

The mind assault on America by rabid gun-phobic terrorists


The enemies of America have lost their minds
(they need to be diagnosed by we the people)
 The gun-phobic minds are warped

Sandy Hook Families Assault We The People
(and Obama hands them his platform) 

This entire gang of mob rule democracy advocates are now making some of the most irrational statements and demanding that everyone in America pay attention to them without ever having any closure on the loss of their children and loved ones.  These people want to instill a perpetual guilt on we the people as if we should bow down and worship them while the mainstream media continues to exalt them as the only ones that have every suffered loss or had any sort of adversity in life.

The 60 MINUTES assault on we the people

Listen to what this man David Wheeler said on 60 Minutes and what he demands every American parent should do.

Mirror mirror on the wall; take my guns and take them all?

"I would like every parent in this country, that's 150 million people, I would like them to look in the mirror, and that's not that's now a figure of speech Scott I mean literally find a mirror in your house and look in it and look in your eyes and say, "This will never happen to me, this will never happen in my school, this will never happen in my community," and see if you actually believe that and if there is a shadow, the slightest shadow of doubt about what you've said think about what you can do to change that in your house in your community in your school in your country, because we have an obligation to our children to do this for them because it's going to happen again it is going to happen again.  And every time it's somebody else's school it's somebody else's town it's somebody else's community until one day you wake up and it's not."
---David Wheeler, father of Ben Wheeler in Sandy Hook

The rest of the video is even more alarming and what every American should do is take this very seriously because the move is on by our government leaders and the mainstream media as they use these Sandy Hook families to take down the rights of we the people in America.  What is extremely alarming is the increasing amount of evidence that they want to do it BY FORCE OF LAW also known as LAW enFORCEment.

Obama's WEEKLY ADDRESS handed to Sandy Hook mom

Notice this David Wheeler's wife is going to start delivering THE PRESIDENT'S WEEKLY ADDRESS now for us Americans across the nation.
What's this all about?  This is a direct mind assault on we the people.  Is anyone going to take this seriously? 

Recently we heard Senate Majority Leader Harry Ried declare in the Senate that the families of Sandy Hook now represent all of America so perhaps they will even take part in the Senate hearings as President Obama thrusts them into his cabinet: 

Never before in the history of our nation have we watched an administration and representatives in Washington D.C. and many of our states along with various other officials (including but not limited to LAW ENFORCEMENT) do such things as they attempt to force all of Americans to wallow in this tragedy until they get their way like a gang of spoiled brats.

There is a great evil here and it's not going away anytime soon.  We may be about to see GOVERNMENT GRANTS for SANDY HOOK WORKSHOPS and NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS rise up with large government grants with their banners to "STOP GUN VIOLENCE IN AMERICA."  And all of this will be done via unconstitutional legislation and rank violations of their OATH OF OFFICE. 

This is only the beginning.  WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW for the rest of this as these rabid gun-phobic terrorists make war on the minds of Americans:

The 60 MINUTES "Sandy Hook Promise" Propaganda

NOTICE that the media says the families of Sandy Hook call this event "12-14".  Notice that this is all fine but anyone that has an issue with "9-11" are called "conspiracy theorists."  This event is being elevated to such a status so as to be part of our national allegiance.  Perhaps there will even be a NATIONAL DAY OF REMEMBRANCE for Sandy Hook and even an OFFICIAL FEDERAL HOLIDAY?

There may be something much deeper going on here from that Sandy Hook region.  Some say that that area is inhabited by all manner of people involved in Wicca, Witchcraft, and other similar weird spiritual behavior in which people have actually invoked Satan and Lucifer to aid them in their attack on America:

Notice how they are used to repeat Obama's words and phrases such as:
"real change" and "common sense solutions," etc.
