Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tom Brokaw exposes the Hollywood run media industry

The HIGH PLACES of Hollywood

This should be obvious to the careful and thoughtful reader that Hollywood plays a MAJOR ROLE in running the country including the mainstream media and those in high places who abuse their authority: 

Tom Brokaw is an older generation journalist who sees the transformation of America into this culture of chaos that Hollywood and others thrive on with their ever expanding evil entertainment industry.  There's no stopping it however because it is set on it's course.  Even so, come Lord Jesus:

Here's a video by this Hollywood chick below who kind of reveals how Hollywood is running everything in this nation and much of the world.  She reveals by her own experiences that those who work for the government and CIA are all connected with Hollywood as it is one large group of evildoers.  

Although I don't subscribe to her philosophies the video does reveal some inside information: