Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chechnya brothers no longer a threat to Boston

Resting with Allah the divine and merciful

Did America finally get a real terrorist attack?

Now we may have to face these dangers as they do in Israel on a regular basis.  All Americans should watch and be sober.  There's no excuse for a nation where we have the right to keep and bear arms where we cannot continue to wage a good warfare against criminals, real terrorists, and other lawlessness.  However beware of any government policies and suggestions  that seeks to disarm we the people and teach us how to live in fear while telling us it will make America safe for our children: 

So many people today and so much news on the internet, YOU TUBE, and various sources that is increasingly difficult to discern.  However questions remain as to what is going on here with this Boston Marathon bombing that occurred on April 15, 2013 along with the extremely large LAW ENFORCEMENT COMBAT FORCES that swarmed the Boston metropolitan area looking for TWO men while displaying a large amount of MILITARY-STYLE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMBAT ASSAULT FORCES: 

It's interesting now that America is being transformed into this police state and now we have Glenn Beck who is dangerously making statements against the U.S. GOVERNMENT MAFIA: 

I have Christian friends of mine that warn that we should submit to these rulers in government authority as they are ordained by God to watch over us and are only a terror to evildoers.  So what they do must be righteous and approved by God:

Meanwhile the threat from the two Chechnyan brothers Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been neutralized.  One is in the presence of perpetual virgins with Allah and the other is heavily guarded by more LAW ENFORCEMENT while being treated in an American hospital:
Alleged photo of Tamerlan Tsarnaev the older brother who was gunned down by police

Boston is safe again but a little shaken

JoeTalk100 reports from Boston

Listen to JoeTalk100 who was in Boston filming some radio show in the background.  You can see people were very concerned in Boston about the actions of police and The White House.  REMEMBER THERE'S MORE FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC NOT BEING REPORTED: