Friday, April 12, 2013

The DHS says beware of Christian extremists

The new terrorist is a "bible believer" in Christ Jesus

Carry a Holy Bible now and you're a terrorist

I know what this is like because I've already been discriminated by the government that "...his religion is weird."  We are rapidly approaching a time in America now where the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights are simply going to trodden under foot of even men here in America.  They also have trodden under foot the Son of God and have done despite unto the Spirit of grace.

For those of you enemies who are rising up here in America I have news for you:  God is not concerned with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill Of Rights although you cannot even uphold the law of your country since you want to have the final authority as gods and lords.  God's word is forever settled in heaven and you will deal directly with it when the books are opened and there is no place found for you.  It's coming!

Pastor Ruckman talked about these times coming around the time of the Waco butcher:
