Friday, April 5, 2013

The arms assault forums in America continue

It's called a "gun debate" in America


The right to keep and bear arms SHALL BE INFRINGED in a nation where a group of Soviets are banning together for their "hope and change."  And now we are being told that LAW ENFORCEMENT is under attack.  Meanwhile who is upholding their OATH OF OFFICE anymore?  Might as well throw the OATH right out because it means absolutely nothing.  

And anyone who disagrees in this alleged DEBATE is being accused of not cooperating with their "common sense gun legislation."  Just watch what our own president has to say as he surrounds himself with LAW ENFORCEMENT: 

Just wait a few more weeks as the MENTAL HEALTH INDUSTRY is given free reign to ENFORCE along with LAW ENFORCEMENT anyone they deem necessary at their own discretion.  The days of having no rights has almost arrived other than THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT:

A family is assaulted in Florida by LAW ENFORCEMENT

What is being called an ANTI-GOVERNMENT RALLY is not anti-government at all.  Today if you uphold the U.S. Constitution and The Bill Of Rights you are considered ANTI-GOVERNMENT because you disagree with something such as Obama calls "common sense gun legislation."  

So when you can discern between those who uphold their OATH OF OFFICE and those who do not and you speak out against it you are now considered ANTI-GOVERNMENT.  Count me in:
