Thursday, March 7, 2013

Senator Rand Paul Conducts Filibuster


Terrorist assault on we the people via MILITARY DRONES
The Filibuster for Freedom

Senator Rand Paul standing up for we the people:

***Rand Paul could go on the KILL LIST for this*** 

Senator Rand Paul effectively lectured senators and other officials on their OATH OF OFFICEThe U.S. Constitution, Bill Of Rights, etc. 
Exposing the enemies of we the people 
President Obama will not assure he will not kill U.S. citizens in America but he is so concerned about disarming America for the sake of a few shootings.  This president and many of his stripe are rank enemies of we the people and the U.S. Constitution.

This is critical to American Freedom and Liberty.  Rand Paul said he would speak until he can no longer speak.  All America needs to be paying attention to the most critical current events that threaten their own life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness:

Authorizing Drone Strikes On American Soil

I have been listening to this now for some time and never before have I realized the grave danger that is present right now from our government since it is being reported directly to me here by our own senators in session. 

Regardless of what the media has been saying there is a very present danger of The United States of America turning into a POLICE STATE with LAW ENFORCEMENT COMBAT PATROLS patrolling and threatening us rather than protecting and serving us in their sworn Constitutional capacity.  

We are in trouble folks!  What is entirely unusual is it seems more people love to have it so.  Therefore I have to conclude that many Americans have now become rank enemies of The U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights and are usurping their own authority to overthrow we the people. 

Recently there have been media reports filled with utter contempt calling certain people "crazies" who are concerned with those who are violating The U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights and are branding certain whom they consider to be "mentally disqualified" or a "potential terrorists."  It appears they would have to paint several of our senators with the same brush as they are others of we the people. 

We now have a president and many other elected representatives and other "officials" in various government capacities that are actively and openly violating their OATH OF OFFICE and have shifted to now steal, kill, and destroy we the people of the United States Of America.  

Is every one of us now in danger of unconstitutional assaults? 

We need to continually expose these enemies of we the people who openly violate the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights against we the people.  It's time to give them some national attention and notice and to seek out these senators that actually represent a proper Constitutional government.  We the people also need to monitor these various activities such as Homeland Security stocking up on so much LAW ENFORCEMENT COMBAT and ASSAULT EQUIPMENT including ARMED DRONES, etc. for use here on American soil.


Americans need to take time to study what's really going on here:
