Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The "crazies" are on the rise in America

*****IMPORTANT:  More assaults on our minds*****
 Next weapon:  mental health policy

You must think like Obama

The crazies don't trust government

Study shows that the "crazies" are on the rise in America according to a Southern Poverty Law Center study:

You must receive the Obama administration's policies along with other enemies of America or there is something wrong with you.  If you preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution and Bill Of Rights and you are crazy.  Get with it people!  If you embrace the decisions to destroy liberty and freedom and abolish the old historic documents then you finally become rational and seek to make America and the world safe for democracy and for the sake of our children.
Crazy gun owners!

Are you one of the "crazies?"  Study this LINK with an open mind:

More AR-15 propaganda and assaults on we the people by the enemies of America in the video below.  Don't miss the one:

Anti-government HATE GROUPS rising

There is a rise of militia and patriot groups now known as 'hate groups' that are being described here by the Southern Poverty Law Center and concerns are rising that anyone who demonstrates a concern toward the government may indeed be exhibiting a threat of domestic terrorism.

One needs to be aware that if you have an opinion concerning the government and the destruction of freedom and liberty you need to reevaluate your thoughts and come to an understanding that you are either with the government or you are now a terrorist:

Examples of "crazies" and their news reports below

Here are some examples of those who are considered "crazies" or "hate groups" promoting all manner of news reports that reveal what the U.S. Government and LAW ENFORCEMENT is doing here in America.  You can't believe any of this but you should be increasingly aware of the dangers surrounding POP TARTS and various other SECURITY THREATS that are a daily concern for our nation and you should be ready and willing to hand in your guns at the discretion of our public servants who openly violate their oaths of office and commit treason:
