Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Connecticut School Shooting

Is it really about the GUNS and AMMO?

It would be nice if our elected representatives would focus on what matters instead of their unconstitutional agendas and threatening lawlessness.  Shaef may not be "religious" but you know he's not faking it here.  I can appreciate that.  

So in contrast to Obama and all the other fakers that say the usual "...our thoughts and prayers are with you..." I can appreciate this fellow American.

And if you are just saying that your alleged thoughts and prayers are with the families and victims and you don't mean it;  THEN PLEASE KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Here's a Britt who likes to rant about global events.  Can he change anything?  He'd like to see all the guns disappear...

And now back to reality...
We CANNOT rest while America is under attack!  Can you?

The British are coming again!  Beware!
These ALIENS work for CNN today

Have any of you seen this Piers Morgan.  He was one your idols who judged all that British talent on T.V.  Notice he is a Britt who lives here in the U.S.A. working for CNN?  Go read this LINK and watch this big mouth tell Americans what they should do with their guns: 

Piers Morgan can go back to the U.K.  But the money is good at CNN isn't it you mouthy Britt?  Another alien living here in the U.S.A. to tell everyone how to change the Republic and wipe out the U.S. Constitution.  This is no accident this is all by design: 

So who is this mouthy Britt working for CNN and living in The United States Of America?  Another ALIEN big mouth!  We just can't get rid of them Britts can we?

So how can we make the world a better place?  Should we sing "We are the world; we are the children..."?  How about an anti-gun concert in Manhattan to fix it? 

Well, many men are going to proclaim their own goodness while sometimes throwing a little God in there for lip service or just to make people feel good.  Otherwise, it's time to get rid of all guns.  Maybe the military can go back to using swords?  No doubt some man of peace such as our Nobel Peace Prize of a president Barack Hussein Obama shall offer his words of wisdom also.

I have to tell man this:  The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob hath appeared unto us by Jesus Christ according to the record.  Of course there is not in every man this knowledge nor does every man believe the record.  Nevertheless the counsel of the Lord shall stand. 

Many men's mouths are open wide today with their great swelling words of vanity.  They are about to get a full measure though from the LORD God soon.  And he's going to give them exactly what they think they want to believe a lie and be damned:

The Strong Delusion sent by God

The next major event to happen in the world is this STRONG DELUSION.  Then Mayor Bloomberg,  Barack Hussein Obama, and this mouthy British Journalist Piers Morgan who lives here in the U.S.A. working for CNN can embrace the man of sin, the son of perdition and enjoy some of God's wrath.  I'm actually looking forward to the wicked turning into hell. 

When I watch this Piers Morgan argue (in the video above) it's obvious he has an ANGER DISORDER.  Look at how he treats his guests and he tells people what they have to start thinking.  How about that for you psycho-BABBLERS?
