Friday, December 14, 2012

Gun Control by Mental Evaluation

Psychiatrists and psychologists are using the recent Connecticut school massacre to enact new means of GUN CONTROL by MENTAL EVALUATION.  Not only will the Obama administration like this but they will have "We the taxpayer..." fund the program for our own protection:

This is all about creating jobs in the MENTAL HEALTH INDUSTRY. The DRUG COMPANIES are in on this too and it's all being worked out. Think of all the people that are going to be diagnosed now and treated under the guise of PREVENTING GUN VIOLENCE. The MENTAL HEALTH INDUSTRY will now develop a "GOVERNMENT APPROVED" screening system called PSYCHIATRIC PREVENTATIVE BEHAVIORAL TESTING AND TREATMENT SCREENING. This will create all sorts of new revenue: 

FBI informant reveals Obama plan to destroy America

Here's a video that many Americans will currency classify as FEAR-MONGERING and CONSPIRACY THEORY.  Well then---have it your way because Obama has you right where he wants you and that is---DISARMED and DEFENSELESS:  

The reason for DISARMING AMERICA is to herd the people

If you want to write this off as a CONSPIRACY THEORY and a FEAR-MONGERING or MONEY MAKING RACKET then read this first and review the Army Field Manual and then go sit back down and be deceived: 
