Tuesday, July 10, 2012

PFGBest: Another MF Global?


Brokers of all sorts are about to be in trouble.  As this starts you can expect the "domino effect" will kick in very soon:

PFGBest clients funds frozen.  Some say this is due to the coal companies that are going bankrupt amongst other things.  There is a major concern now that clients are about to lose money in many "funds" just about everywhere.  What are you going to do?  Ask the professionals; they are there to help you:

Remember what the News UNIT said about July?  If you forgot then Google: "The News UNIT July 2012" and study up on some things.  It might be to your advantage. 

I'm beginning to think Bob Chapman was right about gold and silver being all there is.  In fact very soon that may be all there is left.
