Those of you who do believe in Gold, silver, Ron Paul, and the U.S. Constitution have Ron Paul to thank as Ben Bernanke and The Federal Reserve Bank has just declared war on the precious metals and plans to take them right down with his display of force. And THE SILVER CULT can shoot their mouth off all they want but it won't change a thing about it. They know this anyway and are part of a larger conspiracy. Study this link to see how Ron Paul agitated the FED's pit bull (Ben Bernanke) to devour his constitutional adversaries:
Barnone11967 is going to be happy that silver is falling rapidly again for another buying opportunity before it goes to $500 and at least $70 in the short term. First how low will it go? The News UNIT expects a major fallout in precious metals now back to the early 2010 lows. Best thing to do now is this: "If you can't beat 'em, short 'em."
Mr. Rawdoglet exposes the usual SGTbull07 nonsense. It's time to expose the NIA (National Inflation Association) for who and what they really are. You can find several informative posts and links to protect yourself from these con-artists here on The News UNIT.
If you haven't yet figured out The Sons of Liberty, The National Inflation Association, The Eric Sprott Cartel; The YOU TUBE Silver Channel Masters; The Art Bell/Coast to Coast Cult; Alleged Christians for God, gold, and guns; and a load of others are related and working together you're pretty simple my friends and you will become a group of sheared sheeple very soon:
I actually agree with Sean Turnbull here when he says "..The days of $34 SILVER are numbered..." He's absolutely correct for once! Wave goodbye to $34 SILVER: