If you don't read and study the News UNIT posts you should take time to do so. In fact go study the FIRST VIDEO on THIS POST and listen carefully to what Jim says about the CPI and how it's calculated. Pay close attention to what is left out: HERE'S THE LINK:
The News UNIT is convinced that our present economy is being brought down by the Obama administration and their global cartel cronies to actually keep American in a crisis until it is finally a run down country of controlled consumers who have a fetish for nothing but entertainment and amusement. This is why a list of stocks such as: APPL, GOOG, NFLX, CMG, LULU, ZNGA, LNKD, PCLN, and so forth and so on are all advancing like gangbusters. The nation (and the world) has become a habitation of devils and unclean spirits which are doing their part to sear the consciences of men and dumb down the population to the point of destruction. And God is laughing at men now as he sends STRONG DELUSION: