Friday, May 6, 2011

David Morgan Silver Investor

David Morgan says all markets go down faster than they go up. Do you know why?  Because it's manipulated.  Old fashioned growth markets would grow gradually.  This is not an investors market.  This is a traders (traitors) market.

He's another shill in both directions.  "I got out at the 45 46 level".  Yea but you never told everyone else to get out.  But then I really don't believe him because he was cruising vegas with Mike Maloney in the limo back in February when silver was in the 30's and he was talking $29 back then.  These guys tell everyone to own precious metals for one simple reason:  They are dealers and make some side fiat on it.  That's it.  Very simple!  Shills all!  

Ever wonder if David Morgan, Rich Dad/Poor Dad, and Mike Maloney actually know ahead of time what's coming?  I think they do but they just love to say "I told you so...".

This guy doesn't stress owning physical silver either as he mentions his computer program for buying silver.  Boring!