Monday, May 23, 2011

National Inflation Association Scam

YOU TUBE is all dark humor and jokes?  A place for Americans to gather and lie and deceive one another.  It's all in fun though eh?  OK then I don't take anyone here seriously....

I like the well known traditional old-fashioned stock broker tell it like it is guy.   Does he bother you?  Don't break Peter!  Don't even bend!

George4Title Speaks Out About the NIA situation:

Looks like YOU TUBE is a crazy place.  It's a free for all and full of VIDEO BATTLES and misinformation both sponsored and paid for by GOOGLE.....How does GOOGLE feel about this? Would you want to pay people for promoting conspiracies and falsehood? 

Good thing us storm-chasers don't fake our tornadoes and severe weather.  We like to be honest news reporters and also risk our lives in the process.  We actually operate above reproach warning people about real threatening circumstances.  
The more I look into the entire silver and gold situation I believe it is a COMPLETE SCAM now and has been nothing but a "pump and dump".  All the hype about the US Economy, Ben Bernanke, Geithner, Obama, Big Sis, etc. is a real joke.  Remember the old story about crying wolf?  Well if Alex Jones, G4T, NIA, and others are here just entertaining people and "cry wolf" then the entire alternative media is about as corrupt as the regular media.  They are starting to expose themselves as promoters of misinformation and entertainment.   If something really happens now we will not believe them.  At least I do not care anymore for their antics. 

It's actually a demonstration of how the dumbed-down American's behave on YOU TUBE.  They have nothing better to do but to create their pseudo-Hollywood news channels.  They tell us they are promoting the truth about the economy (reporting this and that) and are nothing but merchandisers that are promoting misinformation just for their own selfish interests and gain.  And that is what the USA has become.  And it will only get worse.

I hope more than just the NIA are exposed.  And I hope they all crap out something fierce!   My suspicions are now going even further and I am expecting SILVER to tank now as this entire modern Hunt Brothers' Silver pump and dump now surfaces for all to see.  

If you bought silver you might want to sell it before there are no buyers.  There is no shortage of silver!

This was all a joke. :-)  HA HA HA.  Funny eh?
