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Thursday, April 14, 2011
Jesse Jackson Gay Harassment
BREAKING NEWS: The White Militia leader Jesse Jackson; (yes you heard that correct) THE WHITE MILITIA LEADER Jesse Jackson (and I can prove this if you read this report) has a history of lewd sexual allegations...he's a sicko and he may be a domestic terrorist....developing...
For more information on White Militia leader Jesse Jackson see this LINK:
Also see this LINK to see Louis Farrahkan make a statement concerning what he called "The White Militia" in Wisconsin and Ohio. Also here is some video of what appears to be the White Militia Leader who was leading protests in Wisconsin recently:
"Who the hell do you think you"[COUNTER 07:55] "'s the 'White Militia'...."[COUNTER 08:40]
This must be the leader of the "White Militia" in Wisconsin and Ohio.....?