Saturday, March 19, 2011

White Militia: Be ready to put down your arms

"White Militia" (probably any white person that owns guns): Be ready to put down your arms and talk something over peacefully.  What exactly does that mean?  I think I know.

Listen to this urgent appeal by Chicago Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan to his Muslim brother's.  Among other things, Farrakhan says,

"...the American people are rising against their own government.  It's not Muslims! It's not Black people! It's "White Militia" (and the radio guy nods and smiles)  that are angry with their government and they are well armed!  Are you going to tell them "Put your arms down and let's talk it over peacefully?"  I hope so!"

Well how about that?  Just listen to the dumb babbling buffoon.  He's a very good deceiver and talks some truth about the U.S.A. and it's forced "regime change" foreign policy and rightfully rebukes the leaders of America.  However his true agenda unfolds against White Americans calling them "White Militia" (I take it the Wisconsin union workers) who he would like to see overthrown the same way he rebukes the U.S.A. for taking part in the "regime change" of other countries.  His ultimate goal is for a Worldwide Muslim community and to put a final nail in the coffin of the U.S.A. and it's Constitution.  


I mentioned earlier that Alex Jones on INFOWARS recently mentioned Obama has some gun control legislation planned for the American people soon.  I suspect now from watching this that there is going to be a new stereotype of some group called “White Militia”.  Someone send this post here to INFOWARS ASAP and whoever else needs to hear this new demonization of white gun owners here in America.  Now I expect this was a pre-planned attack to demonize white gun owners in the U.S.A…..developing…..

Someone just reported to me here that Louis is an "unfair coon" and he might be a member of the N.A.A.C.P known as the Nocturnals Are Always Causing Problems.
Can anyone verify this information?  Thank you.....developing.... 
(I call a spade a spade.) 

So what exactly is going on in Wisconsin?  I live here:  Did a bunch of "white militia" teachers led by Jesse Jackson storm the State Capitol with AK-47's or something?  I suppose these liberal teachers paved the way for gun confiscation now to demonize white gun owners of America.  What rot!

Farrahkan used to preach Obama as the "Black Messiah":  Did Obama die and rise again?

...more developments I'm sure....