Sunday, March 13, 2016

Kenneth Copeland announces God hath chosen Ted Cruz to be President

*****God is choosing Ted Cruz for President*****

There is a NEW BIRTH for America

Time for Donald Trump to step aside

Now we know Ted Cruz is the next President of the U.S.A.

We are seeing an awakening and a move of the Spirit of God

Originally we though God chose Donald Trump. Now we know God is choosing Ted Cruz:

Thus saith the Lord, Ted Cruz will be the next President of the United States of America:

Ted Cruz said,  "Here am I Lord, use me."

Congress is seeking God, the Holy Bible is coming back to our schools, the nation is going to be completely restored...WOW!...and in Jesus' name too!

God must have changed his mind from choosing Donald Trump back when Kenneth Copeland prayed over Donald in the TRUMP TOWER.  So apparently God hath rejected Donald Trump now and is choosing Ted Cruz.  If you have any further questions maybe we can ask the prophetesses Lyn Leahz and Lisa Haven for clarification:

The Gathering will unite the Body of Christ in America

We are now learning that there is a great gathering getting started as America is now being reborn into the Christian nation it is supposed to be.  We thank God for what he is about to do and even perhaps we can amend the scriptures so they no longer have to be fulfilled anymore. Amen?
