Trump takes a DUMP!
Lots of LOVE at the TRUMP RALLY
You can just FEEL IT
This is just what the media was waiting for:
Lots of LOVE at the TRUMP RALLY
You can just FEEL IT
This is just what the media was waiting for:
Trump is losing it now and showing his true colors:
Let's see how the eminently shrewd and eccentric radio host Michael Savage can worm his way around this behavior as Trump appears on his broadcast soon:
Trump's supporters are thugs as they assault peaceful sign holders at rally:
Wait a minute! Trump is kicking out peaceful protesters and taking their coats in cold weather? Is Trump a thief? Perhaps Trump is beginning to come off the rails now...?...
Trump was kicking out peaceful protesters and telling security to take their coats from them. Is Trump a thief and a thug himself? What is going on here?