Friday, October 2, 2015

President Obama and the enemies of America want to disarm We the People

America is in danger from enemies both foreign and domestic

This situation is about to get worse

President Obama is a rank domestic enemy of America and the U.S. Constitution

Should President Obama be tried for treason?

Americans all over are getting fed up with this current administration threatening to destroy the foundations of America and bring in a New World Order and New World Order Religion.

Are We the People going to wake up and finally see what's really going on here?  Or will they just sit back and watch America be destroyed and then when it's too late complain about what happened?

We the People will have to learn that things need to change to end the GUN VIOLENCE here in America.  There will need to be COMPROMISE and a CHANGE OF TIMES and LAWS which may include actually REINVENTING the U.S. CONSTITUTION.  This recent shooting in Oregon is teaching us that action is necessary or the loss of more lives will result: