Friday, August 7, 2015

Skewed reports and data continue to show false economic improvement

JOB REPORT shows positive numbers?  Really?


If you ask Donald Trump he'll tell you the truth

Meanwhile the U.S. JOB REPORTS continue to show skewed 


We are constantly being lied to in regards to this improving U.S. ECONOMY although it is improving by artificial means and defying all the laws of economics including but not limited to supply and demand.   Donald Trump knows this and yet this current administration cooks the books to move the markets at their discretion setting the entire system up for a major financial collapse much like the iceberg that sank the Titanic.  

So do you believe the reports?  Even the Bureau of Economic Analysis said back in May this year that it's going to take months to fix the problems with this data and yet these computer driven markets are allowed to have their free course and both reinvent and redefine the entire economic system pushing things further and further into this deep chasm of chaos: