Friday, April 5, 2013

LAW ENFORCEMENT is under attack?

We the people: Take notice!

They are telling us LAW ENFORCEMENT is under attack now

The media asks, "What's driving this unusual spike in LAW ENFORCEMENT murders?"  Well the assumptions are already being constructed and you can bet there will be more manufactured terrorists who will fit their descriptions in a nation that is transforming people into the GUILTY BEFORE PROVEN INNOCENT category:

What rhetoric is this!

What kind of question is this?  This is going to be targeted at creating more criminals out of a certain group of people again.  Listen to what some foreigner says about our "democratic country:"   That's what happened to America as foreigners took over who were schooled into this propaganda and brainwashing:

LISTEN CLOSELY to "Terror Expert" Maki Haberfield at [TIME 02:09] and what she says here:

"Well you don't challenge individuals who are out there motivated by some sort of deranged ideology that law enforcement officers are the enemy to be killed..."

We're getting closer and closer every day now...