Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Aftermath and MARTIAL LAW


The current situations in New York and New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy are getting worse.  One poster left this message on The News UNIT:

Martial Law will most likely have to be declared in New York City and surrounding Boroughs. The truth of the matter is that people are suffering way beyond anyone living outside these areas could ever imagine. The scope of the problem is just beginning to come to light. Today, I spoke to my cousin who lives in New Jersey and was told that people were on the verge of a total MELT DOWN. Many are facing the possibility of freezing to death and possible starvation, due to the fact that there is no electrical power. Gasoline is nearly non-existing in many locations and tempers are running high. Now with a cold front approaching, this could very well be the final chapter for millions. The death toll could be in the thousands. In truth, people were simply unprepared for this disastrous storm and so was our GOVERNMENT. We must now come together as a people and help in any way we can. By: V.U.A.L./VOLUNTEER UNITED ACROSS THE LAND

******Another reason to VOTE OUT the Obama administration*****

Notice LIVE COVERAGE by the media has been curtailed.  Does the media ever report what's really going on? 

More government intervention just breeds more controlled chaos whether it's the BP OIL SPILL, Hurricane Katrina, and now Superstorm Sandy.  That's what you get when government holds your hand for you.  

And we have a government that turns the preppers into terrorists?  What a joke!